Think Cans Think Recycle

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kids & Recycling

This blog is dedicated to children and parents all around the world who have the awareness on keeping the earth green. Recycling is not only the adults responsibility but also childrens'. Infact, the awareness about recycling should be implemented since young. In this blog, children will have the opportunity to know why recycling is important and at the same time, to enjoy themselves in looking at the pictures and trying our fun activities.

The Importance of Recycling

While recycling has become part of daily routine for many people, the full importance of recycling is not always understood. in general, people do not understand that recycling helps to minimize the drain on the limited resource of our planet. Remember, we do not inherit the earth from out anscestors, we are borrowing it from our children! Therefore, we have to care for it as best as we can.

One of the great things about recycling is that it helps to minimize the presence of waste materials in our communities. Because items such as glass, paper, and plastics are being reused to create new products, they do not end up taking up space in a landfill somewhere. Since most people are not interested in having a garbage dump near their homes or offices, recycling makes it possible to avoid newer and larger landfills that would otherwise be necessary to accomodate all the waste.


Another example of the importance of recycling has to do with the creation of new jobs. As more people recycle, the number of people required to collect, sort and process recycled items continues to grow. more jobs in the community means more money spent in local stores, more taxes collected for the city or town, and in general a healthier economy for everyone concerned.

The importance of recycling also extends to maintaining a healthy balance in the ecology of the planet. by not having to mine raw materials in order to continue producing the same volume of products, there is less damage to our rivers, forests, and areas where wildlife is abundant.

There are a lot more reasons on why you should start recycling. The most important thing is to start recycling now!

Love Your Nature

Start Young and the world will forever be green!



We all know the importance of 3R. But do you know how you can contribute? Sing along and you will know! Source:
What's so big about 3R? Look at the lyrics of the song. 3R help us to reduce and eliminate rubbish. Do you want to live amongst piles of rubbish? With 3R we could help the earth to become greener and safer. Imagine the world with millions of landfields scattering all over. Can we breathe fresh air? What about the animals? Can they live happily? It's never too late to start. We can start contributing to a greener earth now. Start by something simple like, reducing our trash. Mommy & daddy should always remember to buy only necessary stuffs. At the same time, we can save money as we spend less. When we buy less things, we make less rubbish! Kids, instead of paper towels, insist on mommy giving you kitchen towels to help Mommy wipe the tables. Use glass jars instead of bottles to store leftovers. You can also contribute by helping Mommy & Daddy separate all the rubbish into three piles! Can/aluminium, papers and glass.



Check out these awesome pictures and see how we can do the same! Source:
Kids, always remember recycling needs hard work & effort, be patient in separating waste materials; cans/aluminiums, paper and glass.


Parents, it is always advisable to start your kids to recycle at a very young age. The earlier the better!


Recycling is fun! See how big their smiles are!



FUN activities!

Kids, it's time to do some fun activities!